Make the right decisions for your energy needs
With our open source simulation tool we, or any qualified engineer, can build a digital twin of your building with the proposed installations. Simulating the system performance makes it possible to gather crucial insights into obtaining the optimal energy management design.
Monitor and optimize – from anywhere
Our cutting edge cloud-based control and SCADA platform collects and analyzes real-time data across your properties, enabling actionable insights and visual dashboards to get the most out of your system. All data traffic is encrypted and secured via best-in-class security measures similar to that used by banks and financial institutions.
The dashboard can also be used to make the system visible to people in the building, giving them a sense for the energy use and sustainability of the property.
Efficiently move existing heat to where it's needed
Similar to air conditioners and refrigerator technology, heat pumps operate by moving heat from a warm space to a cool space using electricity. By transferring existing heat from sources like the ground, air, and waste heat to areas of need - rather than continuously generating new heat from fossil fuels or biomass - heat pumps are one of the most efficient and environmentally friendly ways to heat and cool buildings.
Harness renewable energy and store excess heat for future use
Geothermal energy storage transforms the Earth's subsurface into a highly efficient natural battery for thermal energy. Heat and cold are stored underground and transferred to and from buildings via heat pumps.
By storing heat in the summer for use in winter and storing coolness in winter for use in summer, integrated systems benefit from having a thermal source that is partially warmed or cooled before entering the system, which drastically reduces energy demands.
Ground storage methods include boreholes (BTES), aquifers (ATES), and foundation piles with energy storage capabilities (PTES).
High-efficiency air handling and waste heat recovery with zero cross-contamination
Providing high-quality, reliable air is essential to maintaining tenant comfort and safety. Most ventilated buildings replace the entire volume of air six or more times per hour, requiring a large amount of energy to heat or cool fresh air as it comes in.
Integrated systems recover waste heat from recirculated air
to greatly increase the overall system efficiency. Our high-performance air handling unit combines industry-leading temperature efficiency with a 0% cross-contamination guarantee.
Generate electricity in the most sustainable way
Energy Machines Wind designs and builds innovative vertical axis wind turbines with wired direct-drive generators. The turbines range from small to large scale and can be fit to power anything from limited electrical equipment to small communities.